Travellers Rest Farm Sanctuary is proud to announce that we have received a 2025 Candid Platinum Seal of Transparency signifying our organization's achievement of the highest level of recognition awarded by Guidestar. This recognition reflects our commitment to transparency and accountability in our operation. Donors can now easily access detailed information about our organization, ensuring confidence in their support. We are grateful to Candid [] for this honor and will continue to uphold these standards.
Travellers Rest Farm Sanctuary is a 100% volunteer-run Maryland-based 501(c)(3) IRS certified (EIN 83-4531103) nonprofit. Our mission is to provide sanctuary to senior, blind, disabled, unwanted, physically or psychologically abused/challenged, and slaughter-bound equines, and educate the public. We house ~50 residents, have no benefactors or corporate sponsors, and rely solely on private donations to fund their care. 100% of all donations go directly towards the care and well-being of our horses.
Year-end financial report:
Total revenue 47,268.49 ~ Total expenses 70,173.49
17% drop in donations from 2023
Although our impact is small at Travellers Rest Farm Sanctuary, it makes a difference in the lives of the over 50 animals we help. Our mission is to give lifetime sanctuary to senior, blind, disabled, unwanted, and slaughter-bound horses and farm animals.
We provide quality grain and hay to ensure our residents stay healthy in their golden years, and we desperately need your help covering those costs. Donations have stopped, and we are struggling with only 1 volunteer doing all the administrative and operations work.
Grain can be purchased directly from Southern States or monetary donations are welcome; either way, it goes directly towards their care— never in our pockets.
Call 1-301-884-3722 to buy direct (Southern States).
Travellers Rest Farm Sanctuary
7450 Emory Place, Hughesville, Maryland 20637, United States
Copyright © 2024 Travellers Rest Farm Sanctuary - All Rights Reserved. Do not copy or reproduce without permission
IRS Certified Nonprofit EIN 83-4531103